
First SF Slash Fanfiction Published

September 1974

The September 1974 issue of Grup, an Adult rated Star Trek fanzine, featured a story titled “A Fragment Out of Time.” Featuring Spock and an unnamed second character who can very easily be inferred as Kirk, the story presented the first case of published science fiction slash fanfiction. The origin of the word “slash” can be traced back to the Star Trek fandom, as it references the ‘slash’ punctuation between the names of the characters: Kirk/Spock, or K/S, and later just m/m (m|m) as a shorthand for slash. Slash represents a prominent facet of the fanfiction writing and reading community, with many fanfic readers preferring the slash genre and many new fics of Kirk and Spock continuing to be published today.

"A Fragment Out of Time." Fanlore. Last updated August 27, 2019.

Jenkins, Henry. "Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture." Routeledge 1992.

Photo Sources:
from University of Iowa's Hoover Collection

[Star Trek] Touch by MadMoro (Deviantart)
James T. Kirk and Spock by StephanyHardy (Deviantart)